
5 Things You Should Know About Australian Coffee Culture

“Hey, mate. How are you doing? Want to grab a cup of coffee? This is how most conversations in Australia begin, whether with a friend, a colleague, or a tinder date. The coffee culture in Australia is huge and growing….

8 Ways to Order a Coffee in Australia

After landing in Melbourne, it took me three days before I ordered a cup of coffee. My usual style of caffeine intake is very American–medium-roast drip, black, and straight to the veins if possible. Asking a barista to explain a…

9 Best Australian Cafes For Those Big Time Foodie Travellers

Coffee is one of the most loved and well-loved beverages in the world. It is a key part of our everyday life in Australia. This special word became a favorite and was followed by another word, “cafe”. Previously, cafes were…

How to Successfully Manage a Café in Australia

If you can’t distill everything you learn from a course in cafe management, you won’t get any results. Even if you have little to no capital, it is possible to run a high-margin café. We can’t help but mention that…

Tips About Tipping for Cafes, Bars and Restaurants

Restaurants across America are slowly reopening or returning to full service. There has been much discussion about how to tip, especially considering the industry’s difficult economic realities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s best to be observant when tipping, but…

4 Tips for Opening a Cafe in Australia

Many Australians dream of opening their cafe and being their boss. This is a way to live the life you desire. It’s not easy, however. To open a successful cafe, you must be disciplined and willing to work hard to…